Jesse Prejean

About Jesse Prejean

Originally from Louisiana, Jesse Prejean moved to Austin, Texas in 2009.

He began experiencing the realm of Spirit at an early age and knew there was more to life than what meets the eye.

Jesse had always been incredibly sensitive to energy and the emotions of others.

It wasn’t until he got older that the importance of this came together.

Jesse practiced meditation for the first time at the age of 18 and immediately had profound experiences from it.

Years later he started to have involuntary OBE (out of body experiences) which he learned to control and induce at will and regularly practiced astral projection.

Jesse’s sensitivity began to get the best of him as he got older and felt more and more out of place in the world.

He masked his sensitive nature by developing unhealthy coping mechanisms just to feel “normal”.

Jesse developed chemical dependency and alcoholism in his 20’s and sought out relationships out of this co-dependent behavior.

After almost a decade of battling his own darkness, he decided to surrender and ask for help.

During his first week of recovery, Jesse began to have very strong experiences with spiritual energy.

He felt various chakras open and felt this energy pouring through his body uncontrollably.

Lastly, he felt his auric field “light up” with this spiritual energy and began to buzz intensely.

Suddenly, in this state, Jesse could feel the energy coming out of the palms of his hands.

In that moment, he knew he was to share this energy with others!

His sensitivity had returned in a whole new way!

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